Reach your biggest goals this year by making them micro.

Use this simple template to think through your day, and how making certain choices heavily impacts the way you function.

Overarching Goal: (insert the major goal you’re hoping to achieve)

Morning - First Hour of the Day

Get active outside - 3+ mins.

Within the first hour of the day (or first few minutes if possible), get active in some way - if even just minor - and do it outside. A walk, some jump rope, trapeze… Why? Your body functions on what is called a circadian rhythm. When you are active in natural light within minutes of waking up, your brain releases cortisol, the stress hormone - a good thing in this case. This only takes a few minutes to happen, but that little burst of cortisol resets your circadian rhythm, which then triggers the production of melatonin 13-14 hours later allowing you to fall asleep deeply. Imagine how much an impact falling asleep when you want to, and getting good sleep every night would have on the production of the rest of your day.

Noon - Lunch Time

Eat protein and soluble fiber.

Afternoon hours are notorious for snacking temptation and drowsiness. If you want to avoid both, prioritize protein and soluble fiber in your lunch meals. Protein fills you up without spiking your blood sugar, and both protein and soluble fiber keep you fuller, longer. Soluble fibers also slow the release of any carbohydrates or sugars into your bloodstream, so you won’t feel the big spike and crash typical of the Standard American Diet. How much would your boss or company appreciate higher productivity from you while all the rest of your colleagues are in a rut from 2-4? Plus, Carl’s birthday cake in the break room will have less power over you.

6-7 PM - Dinner Time

Take your last bite 3+ hours before bedtime. 

When you give your body 3 hours to digest before trying to fall asleep, it has time to stabilize its blood sugar levels. When blood sugar is stable, sleep is more restful - 8 hours will actually feel like 8 hours. Paradoxically, you’ll also notice less hunger in the morning. Ghrelin is the hunger hormone, and is reduced the day following a 3-hr fasting period before bed. 

The One Thing

You may decide to change these things to better fit your lifestyle or goals - the importance is in the knowledge that some actions or behaviors can have much bigger impacts than others. Rather than trying to get a green smoothie, 20 mins of meditation, hot yoga, 6 servings of broccoli and 2 hours in a self-help book every day, decide on the one that makes the biggest difference in your wellbeing. That’s your One Thing. 

February 07, 2022 — ERND marketing

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